Black Fuel: Guest Post from Quentin Bates

Every now and then I intend to slip in a guest post from someone who knows Iceland or Icelandic crime writing. My first victim is Quentin Bates. Like me, Quentin is an Englishman who writes crime novels set in Iceland. He has also translated a number of the top Icelandic crime writers into English, including Lilja Sigurdardóttir, Ragnar Jónasson, Solveig Pálsdóttir and Óskar Gudmundsson. He knows Iceland much better than I do . He has worked on an Icelandic trawler, lived in the country and married an Icelander. I recommend his series featuring Sergeant Gunhildur, the first book of which is Frozen Out . Here he discusses the vital importance of coffee to the Icelanders. There’s a black fluid that keeps the Nordic countries functioning. I don’t mean the stuff that’s pumped out of the depths of the North Sea by bearded roustabouts, but that other black liquid that’s the staple cliché of every Nordic crime drama. Wallander more or less set th...