Boghildur and Biggi: Icelandic names
Which brings us to names. The Icelanders have a unique approach to naming people. It ranges from the simple Jón Jónsson, a boy’s name, to the more complicated Boghildur Dögg Skarphédinsdóttir, a snappy girl’s name. The system works as follows. Your ‘last name’ is your father’s name, plus ‘-son’ if you are a boy, and ‘-dóttir’ if you are a girl. There is no surname in a conventional European or American sense. So I would be Michael Andrewsson, since my father’s name was Andrew. My sister would be Mary Andrewsdóttir. My grandfathers’ names were Claude and Conrad, so my parents would be Andrew Claudesson and Elizabeth Conradsdóttir. This seems noble is some ways: our parents are honoured and my sister and mother have names which respect their sex – there is something fundamentally illogical about the English name Jane Johnson, for example. But our tig...